Language:  English  简体中文
* Required Fields
Reminder: After Submitted, The admissions officer will inform you of the relevant information and the link of the examination registration through the contact information . Make sure your contact information is available.
姓名 Name *
目前在读学校 Current School *
在读年级 Studying Grade *
申请年级 Applying Grade *
入学时间 Applying Semester *
家长手机 Parent Mobile *
家长邮箱 Parent Email *
您了解到万科双语高中的途径 How do you know about VKBSH *
学校官网&官微 Official Website & WeChat
外部媒体公众号 Social Media
网上浏览 Web Browsing
教育展会 Education Exhibition
教育机构 Educational Institution
朋友推荐 Friend Recommended
在读生家长 VKBSH Parent
教育机构名称/Organization Name
